Monday, December 10, 2012

Smile and Wave

I know it has been forever since I've posted. Life has it's up's and down's and not everything needs to be written. In other words, I needed to keep myself quiet for a while. A lot of, really, nothing has been going on until this past week. The job search has ended. (thank you Lord.) But, there's still a waiting period. It's gonna be a while until we see ourselves moving forward financially. I keep telling myself what I told Hubby, "We're getting closer." Closer to our own place, closer to Ashdon's own room, closer to our own kitchen, closer to US. 

This past Saturday the town of Palmer celebrated "Colony Days". I honestly don't remember what it was for but they had stuff going on all over town all weekend. Everything from craft shows, reindeer, and ice sculptors. Santa even came down from the North Pole. (Not THAT far from here) They ended the celebration with a parade through the town. Which brings our adventure. My father-in-law scored us a beautiful fire truck to ride in through the parade. So we went to the station, they washed the truck and in we piled. 

Handsome LOVED the truck. He mainly loved all of the flashing lights. He would see the other trucks and start jumping up and down at their lights. He got a window seat on his Tia's lap and looked out the window at all the kids waving at the fire truck. Along with the parade to end the night, God decided to add His spin. Everyone here can't understand how there has not been snow. Normally, or so they say, by Halloween there is permanent snow on the ground and it will last all season. Well, it hasn't been that way and I can't say I'm complaining. Although it would be nice to have something cover all the deadness in the trees, we don't have the money for snow tires yet. But, as we were waiting for the parade to start, God blew through the clouds and there it came. A beautiful mist as the parade went on. It warmed my heart to know all of these kids that were sitting out in the cold with their big coats were not only getting to see the trucks and Santa, but also the snow fall. It was a beautiful sight.
Handsome has grown very fond of lights. Mainly ceiling light fixtures. He'll point up and say "what's that?" or EVERY time we get in a car and the lights go on "What's That?" Of course he knows its a light but still, he wants our reaction. He absolutely LOVES music. It makes me so happy! He here's any music and he gets a huge grin and begins dancing. He's hilarious!

...The Best Is Yet To Come

Thursday, November 1, 2012

First Halloween

{even Yoda knows to have a nice warm cup of milk before bed}

The night came and went in a flash. You probably wouldn't believe that last night was my very first time going out for Halloween. It was a pleasure to share a first with my little Handsome. We weren't planning on going out, but the Harvest Festival at the church was cancelled so we couldn't let Handsome's cute little costume go to waste. Trick or Treating is still in question for me. I never celebrated Halloween as a kid, never dressed up, never took candy from people. And, although its hard to believe, I don't feel deprived of some amazing experience. Just like I don't feel hurt that my parents never taught me that Santa, the Tooth Fairy, or the Easter Bunny were real. I was always told the truth and I really do thank my Padres for that. 
Anywho, our plan was to be Star Wars characters because of the costume we had bought. After lots of things going on the past weeks, Hubby and I didn't search for our own costumes. We were getting ready to take Handsome to the Palmer Fire Department with his cousins, (where Hubby, his brother, and his dad have all been firefighters) and we decided to look in our closet for make-shift costumes. It was worth the late hustle and bustle. Lots of people loved our costumes.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

At The Reindeer Farm

On Saturday we were finally able to head out to the Reindeer Farm/Pumpkin Patch

We were a little worried because it was a little over 30 degrees and the wind was really strong. 

But when we got there, there was no wind and the sun was bright.

(Please ignore the foggyness of some of the pics,
there was something on my lens and I didn't notice till later that day)

There was an area for "Potato Launching". It's pretty much a giant slingshot for potatoes.
Way down the field there were scarecrows and big barrels as your target. 
If you hit one of them you got a prize at the gift shot. Of course, Fancyman hit the target.

Handsome wasn't very intrigued by the pumpkins.

Hay Ride

  The Aminals
(I meant to spell it that way)

Right down the road from the farm is the entrance to The Butte. I like to call it the butt. It's a large hill in the middle of the valley that you can hike up. I've really been wanting to hike it but, I haven't been able to convince the Hubster. Can you believe he grew up less than 30 minutes from it and has NEVER CLIMBED IT?! He already knows that there is no way I'm coming all the way up here to never experience Alaska. I'm ready for hunting, fishing, hiking, whale watching, all the things that involve me and nature. I can't wait till next summer. That's when he says we're going to go explore. I am keeping him accountable.

After our adventure at the farm we stopped at a local pizzeria and had chill time.