"Every Pregnancy is different."
If you've ever been sucked into a pregnancy conversation you know the saying; but if you've had more than one pregnancy you KNOW the saying. You think you're a pro at being pregnant cause you've had one kid and then before you know it your body is like "BAM! Be you didn't see that comin!" Since I have been somewhat absent from my blog during this pregnancy and we need some catching up, I'll use this to also share how these 9 months of baby making have been different from the first.
So, let's begin
Pre-Baby Boy #1 |
In the beginning there was MORNING SICKNESS and we saw that it was bad; Very, VERY BAD! Two days after I found out I was pregnant with handsome my normal body was done! I was in bed for almost a week and pretty much only ate Saltine crackers. And even those caused me to run to the toilet every once in a while. I lost about 7 pounds in those 5 days. BUT! That was it! As long as i had something salty or spicy on hand (hot cheetos and lemon chips were my go-to) I could settle my nausea. Within a couple weeks I was back to "normal".
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Pre Baby Boy #2 |
We found out right before Thanksgiving that we were expecting. I didn't get full blown "stuck in bed, not getting out unless it's to barf" morning sickness, but I was nauseous. I had to make sure that I had SOMETHING in my system to keep from getting nauseous. But, it wasn't enough to keep me in bed or feeling horrible. Safe to say, I'd choose THIS over THAT one even though this one has given me a taste of something new, HEARTBURN.
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5 Months in both pregnancies |
I gained a total of 27 pounds! Yep, that's it. Steady healthy weight gain. My doctor was never worried about my weight gain or how my belly was measuring until a few weeks before my due date. He said I was measuring a bit small and wanted to take an ultrasound so we did, but handsome was fine. He was born one day late and weighed 7lbs1oz. Perfectly normal. I was able to stick with my regular jeans for most of my pregnancy which was awfully nice. I bought my first pair of maternity jeans until almost halfway through and still had some jeans that I kept the whole time. I like loos fitting clothes so most of my blouses were fine through to the end.
Oh geez, here we go. I thought at the rate I was gaining weight I would hit 40pds gained by due date but my body has let up a little. (Let's just say I'm enjoying eating for two) At my last appt I was at 35pds gained. This explains that chunky faced person who shows up in all my pics. I started gaining weight pretty quickly which also gave me a pudge pretty early in the pregnancy. So I began showing alot earlier. I was in dier need of Maternity pants not even two months in. I couldn't handle my jeans cutting into my midsection. My regular pants were taken out of my closet pretty quickly and put away where they couldn't haunt me. My shirts are on their last stretch. Thankfully I have a few that are working with the belly.
THAT ONE: I want to say it was about 5-6 months in that I began swelling pretty good in my hands and feet. Rings were retired and so were heels. Since it was Texas summer time needing to retire my shoes for sandals wasn't a bad thing.
THIS ONE: It took a little longer to swell this time around, but it did happen. Rings have been stored away and only certain shoes can be worn. I tend to find myself VERY swollen in the mornings when I wake up.
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9 Months in Then |
Honestly I don't remember having ANY pain with Handsome. We had no complications, no complaints, no worries, it was a perfect first pregnancy. I never had questions for my doctor about what I was feeling or why. It wasn't till I actually began going into labor that I had pains. I did sleep with a body pillow to keep myself from laying on my back where I wasn't able to breathe, but sleeping wasn't a problem apart from the middle-of-the-night trip to the potty.
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9 Months in Now |
THIS ONE: This is probably the BIGGEST difference in the pregnancies. The past 9 months have been pretty painful. I have a pretty good pain tolerance and I'm the type to just suck it up and wait till it passes. So, my hubby has been really the only one to know how bad it was, but even with that it was only what he could see on my face. Let's just say there's been plenty of times where I just wanted someone to literally come jump on my lower back and onto my hips. If hubby and I were relaxed on the couch at night and then headed upstairs to bed I felt like every bone in my my pelvis was about to break. I would find myself on my back in the middle of the night and rolling on my side would take like 10 minutes. No joke. Waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom was always painful and scary because I knew if I fell in pain or couldn't make it to the bathroom because it hurt too much to walk, Hubby wouldn't know, and knowing me I'd try to get myself back up and going before waking him. The newest pain has been feeling like someone has beat me in the crotch. No other way to describe it. I'm guessing Little Guy is just so low that his head is resting just in the perfect spot to cause the pain.
Even with all the differences in the pregnancies that may have not been the best, I'm very blessed to say both of these pregnancies were beautiful and worth remembering. There were never complications or scary patches. Everything has been cool and groovy. And now we wait. We wait to meet the little guy who has brought me so much discomfort! haha And I cannot wait to have him in my arms!
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