Tuesday, October 23, 2012

At The Reindeer Farm

On Saturday we were finally able to head out to the Reindeer Farm/Pumpkin Patch

We were a little worried because it was a little over 30 degrees and the wind was really strong. 

But when we got there, there was no wind and the sun was bright.

(Please ignore the foggyness of some of the pics,
there was something on my lens and I didn't notice till later that day)

There was an area for "Potato Launching". It's pretty much a giant slingshot for potatoes.
Way down the field there were scarecrows and big barrels as your target. 
If you hit one of them you got a prize at the gift shot. Of course, Fancyman hit the target.

Handsome wasn't very intrigued by the pumpkins.

Hay Ride

  The Aminals
(I meant to spell it that way)

Right down the road from the farm is the entrance to The Butte. I like to call it the butt. It's a large hill in the middle of the valley that you can hike up. I've really been wanting to hike it but, I haven't been able to convince the Hubster. Can you believe he grew up less than 30 minutes from it and has NEVER CLIMBED IT?! He already knows that there is no way I'm coming all the way up here to never experience Alaska. I'm ready for hunting, fishing, hiking, whale watching, all the things that involve me and nature. I can't wait till next summer. That's when he says we're going to go explore. I am keeping him accountable.

After our adventure at the farm we stopped at a local pizzeria and had chill time.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Gassy Night

As a southern gal who grew up in the flat lands of Texas, the mountains are most definately a hazardous distraction when driving. I absolutely LOVE nature and its beauty. While living in Puerto Rico, I spent most of my time in the la la land as we drove through the mountains with my Jesus music blasting. Tonight I found a new natural beauty that so many people are deprived of seeing. After volleyball, and a stop at the grocery store, lights broke through the pitch black sky. 

Now, lets have a science lesson. Well, as we know, there are all kinds of different gasses in our atmosphere and they float on up into Neverland. The same with the Sun, it's gasses float on over to us. When this happens, the particles collide and we get the most beautiful dances of lights in the sky. The beautiful Northern Lights. I remember Science books having these pictures of pink and purple streaked skies and I just knew I had to see them for myself. It seemed fake. 

So, back to tonight. I have seen the lights a couple of times being here, but tonight was a different story. They were rediculously bright and "dancing" all over. This means they would move around fast. I wish I could capture it on camera but all my camera could handle was the darkness. I found some pictures of Northern Lights that looked alot like the ones that were out tonight.

They weren't as green as the first picture but they were as big as the second. Right above our house and they swirled around and glistened they're way off. There are many colors that they show up as. They all depend on which of our gasses are colliding with the Sun's.The most common are the green-yellow which are caused by a collision with oxygen in a lower altitude. Reds are caused by high altitude oxygen and Blues and purples are due to Nitrogen. I cannot wait until the winter comes because that's when they are they're brightest.

 As much as I love the science behind the "Aurora Borealis", I LOVE the spiritual connections that natives always make with nature. Of course I don't believe what they do, but I love their connection to nature. Natives from different tribes have different beliefs. Some see the lights as a connection to ancestor spirits or spirits of animals. Others believe they are a sign that there will be lots to hunt the next day. Others still to this day do not dare whistle or sing into the light-filled nights for fear of being taken by them.

In the end, it should bring a spiritual connection to us. The beauty that our Creator puts into these colors as they light the sky, the way he swirls them around and calls them to dance for us. He does this all for us to admire and enjoy. Why? Because we are His prized creation. He would hold back the Sun, catch falling stars, split the ocean, just to have us love Him the way He loves us. Have you told Him how much you love Him? He tells you everyday. Let's return the favor.

...The Best Is Yet To Come

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Trial And Error

From breastfeeding to formula to solids, the one phrase my sis (the baby whisperer) always told me was "It sucks, but it's all trial and error." Trying to see what I could eat that wouldn't upset his tummy, then dealing with a baby who cries all night due to his tummy not taking good to the new substance. Or trying out new baby foods and watching out for allergies or changes in his diaper filling. And FORMULA. Oh, Lord. We went through so many heart-breaking trials. Poor handsome would break out in a rash all over and even got to the point of throwing up an entire 6 oz bottle. Thankfully we found a formula that worked (after many failed attempts). Our switch to milk has been a breeze. I was very worried he wouldn't take good to it for the fact that it was SOY formula that we had been using.

 I am not allergic to anything. My brother inherited my mothers allergies and I guess I inherited my dad's. (none) Unfortunately, Hubby does have an allergy I am not fond of at all. Cats. I am a cat lover. Seriously, when I get old, I'm sure I will be that cat lady. So to find out that Hubby was allergic was almost a deal-breaker. What can I say? I have to have a cat.
{Hansdome at 6mo with an allergy to formula}

So with this trial and error journey we found we have another allergy. Last week, while babysitting, I made Handsome a PB&J sammich. While feeding it to him I noticed he had some red spots around his mouth so we put the sandwich away. The jelly had apricots so I thought that may have been what it was since he had the same reaction to apricots before. I kept thinking what if its the peanut butter. I was hoping that wasn't it because I know how much of a hassle a peanut allergy is. Well, yesterday we had Peanut Butter-Jelly time again. I wasn't worried since I figured the apricots were the reason he broke out the last time. He ate an entire sandwich.

 It was maybe 10 min after he had finished that I noticed some red on his face. I could also see a little red on the back of his neck. I told Fancy Man to help me take his clothes off. As soon as the close came off, the itching began. He was covered in what looked like hundreds of little mosquito bites. He began to frantically scratch every where. I was very worried that if it were a severe allergy his tongue would swell or he wouldn't be able to breathe, so I payed careful attention to his breathing and the inside of his mouth. All this happened right before nap time so him being tired made him very whiny. I wasn't sure I wanted him to nap because I wanted to make sure it wasn't getting worse. The bumps settled a little so i decided he needed to nap it off. I ended up staying home (we go to a church here in town on wednesdays) to keep an eye on him and give him a bath. Unfortunately, we missed the announcement to the Youth group of Hubby becoming the new Youth Pastor. Yay. So, we're not sure whether Handsome is allergic to peanut butter or jelly, but I think it's the dreaded peanut allergy. I'm just glad it's a light allergy where we didn't have to take him to the hospital.

{After his nap, bumps were all gone and the rash was actually better}

...The Best Is Yet To Come

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Little Mister's Party

It has taken me forever to reach for Autumn (my laptop) and start on this blog. Not due to laziness but due to the fact that it was probably one of the most stressful things I've had to do, and writing about it would just bring it all back to life. It was a mixture of so many frustrations, headaches, and emotions, I wouldn't be able to cover everything. But anyone who is close to me knows I don't cry or break down under pressure. It takes a whole lot to break me, and this hit the spot. In the middle of the party I had to walk out just so I could cry and get it out of my system so I could be somewhat emotionally stable during the party. Yes, even I was surprised with myself. The week and a half before the party was probably the most lonely I have felt in a LONG time. My mind was being bombarded with so many thoughts and insecurities, but the hardest part was not having my friends close to come to my rescue in the party planning.

 But lets look at the bright side, I wasn't the only one who cried. So did Handsome. haha He wasn't able to take a good nap before the party cause there was ALOT going on before, (not due to the party) and when the party started, he was out. He woke up right after the games and wasn't in a very good mood. All that, mixed with a bunch of kids around him singing and screaming didn't help much. The highlight for me was Ashdon not being interested in the chocolate cupcake and only wanting the strawberry filling. Now, we say goodbye to sugary sweets till next years birthday. 

But seriously, (as if that wasn't) the kids that were there enjoyed it. They played two rounds of musical chairs and  "Name That Stache". They had face painting done by Hubby's very talented cousin, and mustaches on a stick. There was so much more I wish we would've done, but thankfully Handsome won't remember a thing. Although I will, forever.

{Daddy enjoying Handsome's cupcake}

{Great Grandma and Great Grandpa}

The party was Sunday Sept 23 but his actual birthday was Tuesday the 25.  On his actual birthday Grandpa invited him to lunch at the deli styled restaurant grandma works at.
{He was playing "Peek a Boo" with the table cloth}

Onto Toddlerhood we go

...The Best Is Yet To Come